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About Us

Who we are, what we care about, what we do

We are a group of creatives who are repurposing an unused building as a collaborative, community space. Our first priorities are paying the bands that play here, providing an inexpensive way for artists and makers to showcase and sell their work, raising money for good causes, and providing a welcoming safe place for fun shenanigans. We always need helpers! 

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Our Story

In 2022 some friends started throwing free all-ages shows in an empty lot in Fountain Square. These "Lot Parties" were so fun and got a lot of buzz, so when we lost access to that lot we looked for a more permanent location to keep throwing rad shows. There was this cool old building in Fountain Square just blocks from the original Lot Party location that was largely unused, so we decided to make that our permanent home. We started fixing it up, installing functional bathrooms for example, and we realized we have this wonderful clubhouse where we could do much more than just put on shows--it could be a multi-purpose space that supports artists/makers. LongShot was born. 

Our Affiliates 

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